Dunley Hall Care Home Worcestershire is registered to provide homely residential daily living and personal care for the elderly - both male and female, including married couples or partners who may be experiencing difficulties associated with physical disabilities, dementia and medical issues associated with older age.
Our Residential Care Home is renowned for its homely atmosphere and original features. It was first registered in 1989 and now provides accommodation for nineteen residents and our additional Ryan's Court Wing offers an additional fifteen beds.
Dunley Hall is maintained to a high standard internally and externally; all rooms are decorated in traditional styles which complement the period of the building. The home offers the use of two lounges, the Gold Lounge for a quiet and relaxing atmosphere or the Blue Lounge for TV and social activities. Both lounges overlook the well maintained surrounding grounds.
Each bedroom is personalised to the individual who resides in the home and most have bathroom and toilet facilities. Our main aim being to create the comfortable living style our residents have become used to during their more active lives.